Please dumb it down to my level. Check my Grammar.

Coordinating Conjucntion

To add grammatically equal or similar clause together use coordinating conjunction .

The formula for that is:
(S+V+O) +, CC + (S+V+O)

Coordinating conjunction always come between the words or clause they join together.
It is almost always proper to put a "," before the coordinating conjunction except if the clause is short or well-balanced.
Berto wants to kill a dog, yet he does not want to kill his own dog.
Berto wants to kill a dog so he can eat it.

There are 7 coordinating conjunctions and you might want to use a mnemonic.

  • for
  • and
  • nor
  • but
  • or
  • yet
  • so

1 comment

  1. Nice blog with good information.The writer here has done a great job.Keep it up the good work. Your article Coordinating conjunction is really looked nice and great because in this way we can learn a lot of things .


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